Wednesday 1 April 2020

Facebook Censorship last night and quick hello ! ... and a Message from ArchAngel Michael and Multidimensional Ocean - 1st April 2020

Image may contain: possible text that says 'KEEP CALM AND BE READY!'
I can feel the energies being so high since yesterday. I feel quite restless, like I want to do everything at the same time, be at every place at the same time,, be able to take it all in at once. This is such an amazing time. This is why most of us are born for ! On another note, we are right on the money, if I believe my facebook indicator... we ARE ON THE RIGHT TRACK !! Facebook, as of last night, after me posting the first music video above banned my blog from all the group pages, from my own pages on the entire facebook! not only that from personal messages too!!  yeah.. my blog is just banned from FB, on private messages too, on groups etc.... it just automatically doesn't get posted. which also means that... NOBODY CAN SHARE MY Messages on FACEBOOK AT ALL !! my blog is JUST BANNED  FROM FACEBOOK!! PERIOD ! Facebook just wants my blog posts gone !! gone ! gone !! GONE !
So please visit my blogs regularly, this one and the other one (not banned yey on facebook, as I didn't post with it since I am back...
I will also open a tweeter account, when I get the chance during the day !  and perhaps a Youtube Channel at some point. 

Ride the energies folks, we are right on the money. 

Message from ArchAngel Michael  and Multidimensional Ocean - 1st April 2020

Remain centered, grounded, sober, in your heart, in peace, read a bit of the Gospels of John perhaps, meditate, go for a long walk, do some physical exercises, do some shopping, cooking, but... while you do all of this, try to remain connected to your energy within, your inner God Self! 
It is a blessing for us to have our energies available for the Shift that we have all been waiting for.
While this is taking, place the most insane, powerful energies are also descending on Earth, via the cosmos, but also via our Arch Protector, Guardian Angel, Arch Angel Michael, mostly known to the Galactic Community as ... Commander Ashtar, and his legions of Angels .... The Galactic Federation of Light ! at your service is SaLuSa, ALL THE GROUND CREW! ALL the ASCENDED MASTERS ! All our Brothers and Sisters who fought and fight for the LIGHT ! In order to take over what was started by the Fallen Angel such a long time ago... and since has given rise to so many souls following his path and have done much worse than him... 
This is the time, the end time... of this area, of this story line... in order to rejoin our Common Great Endless Creator... this is the splitting of the waters, the weeding out bad crops... 
Stay centered and stay in a place of love and acceptance.
A New Earth will truly be reborn after this time. In God we Trust !

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