Monday 30 March 2020

Message from SaLuSa 30th March 2020 by Multidimensional Ocean

We are at a cross roads indeed dear Ones.
We are still here, but we are leaving mainly our ground teams act without too much advertising online so to speak, so that it frees them up for time and discretion to act according to the needs.
This is why we had a retreat from the front lines of the internet for some time. We also needed Humanity to rise up to the occasion without being told the answers so to speak. It was necessary for you to do the important part on your own, without your Brothers and Sisters for constant guidance.
We are still mainly remaining silent as far as worldly operations are going. As you can see, there has been a lot of changes worldwide in the past few weeks already.
We support and endorse David Wilcock, he is our main source for dispersing information to the general public, and he follows instructions very diligently. He is also very thorough and dedicated to this cause.
We are however happy to keep this channel, to give moral support and spiritual guidance to our ground teams, and everybody who enjoys our communication via Multidimensional Ocean.

We see how much these difficult times impact you all on your daily life, and there is no way to make this any easier.
We recommend that you look at things on the positive side. Many of you have time now to spend at home, with their loved ones, catch up on any projects and hobbies, eat healthy and keep fit. This also gives the planet a much needed respite from pollution, industry, the lower human energies of unconsciousness and work related stress. Nature can have a second rebirth in many places, and normal life can resume for the fauna and the flora in many instances.
This is an enormous opportunity, besides what goes on behind the scenes. You are all taking part in it, by your conscious work of presence, meditation, consciousness and love. Do not believe that, just because you are not part of the team involved in mass arrests, you are being side tracked or useless.
What matters most to our planet is the quality of human vibrations, this help your Mother Earth most. Conscious Love, Conscious Joy, and Happiness, Compassion, this is what matters most to your planet at this time. The lower energies of greed, profit, wars, violence, automatism, rush, stress, forgetting your true meaning, sleep while caught in the machine, are vibrations that lower her own vibrations, which are food for Mother Earth.
We, along with the Ascended Masters, Angels and Archangels are following this true Ascension in vibrations with the greatest Love and Interest. This is the true miracle of creation, this is true faith in the unseen, in our common Creator, in our Unity as Brothers and Sisters.
You are playing your part in this amazing process, that you have waiting for so long to manifest into reality. Things have now come to an almost full stop, so that those who are in most difficulties can stop and recentre and refocus on your real meaning, on your true purpose for being alive on Planet Earth at this time.  
Make no mistake, this is a work in progress. Many sacrifices have been made by many of you on the ground teams and by humans giving their lives for this to be possible at this time. Please thank those who have given up their lives among you, so that they can join forces with us from this side of the veil. Their sacrifice is not in vain. It is done so that you can continue the work for the light at this crucial pivotal time.
It is important for you to keep fit, eat healthy, exercise, meditate, do what makes you happy, rise your own conscious vibrations first, so that those around you and Mother Earth can be touched by this.
We leave you in peace for now, and will return with more uplifting messages on a regular basis at this time.
Thank you,


  1. Thankyou all for your assistence go get them brothers and sisters of the light

  2. Replies

    1. Thank you for your help and thank you for everyone out there supporting us.
      I wish to communicate with the Taygeteans or who is not busy at these times. I hope all is well with everyone out there.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
